Thursday 23 July 2015


child drink

Drinking 8 Glasses Of Water A Day

Drinking water is really important to improve our health. The need of everyone are different because it is depend on many factors like age, activity, health, physics and your neighborhood. But many doctors suggest we have to drink about 2 liters of water or about drink 8 glasses of water a day (1 glass = 250cc). Water is main component of human body and build about 60% of your weight.
8 glasses of water

Shortage of drinking water is dangerous for our health because it can cause dehydration. But may be not all of people can drinking 8 glasses of water a day because their activity. They are some tips to drink 8 glass of water a day.

How To Drink 8 Glasses of Water A Day?

To drink 8 glasses of water a day, first method you can drink 4 glasses after you wake up at morning and then don't eat after you drink about 2 hours, then the other 4 glasses lunch ( 2 glasses) and at dinner (2 glasses). If you think this way is difficult then you can try this schedule below

drinking 8 glasses schedule 
You can drink based on that schedule above, to ease you meet the need of water.

  • Wake Up at Morning
  • Breakfast
  • Before Activity
  • At Noon
  • Lunch
  • At Afternoon
  • Dinner
  • Before Sleep

The Benefits Of Drinking water

7 benefits of drink water

They are so many benefits of water like :
1. Protect Heart
2. Prevent Headache
3. Improve Focus
4. Make Keep Aware
5. Improve Energy
6. Eliminate Toxins
7. Reduce Weight

8 Glasses Is a Minimum Standard

For your note, drinking 8 glasses is a standard suggestion from doctor. It means you can drink more then 8 glasses, more you drink water is better for your health.

Wednesday 22 July 2015


dragon fruit
Dragon Fruit

Dragon Fruit (Pitaya)

Some of you may be have usually saw a lot dragon fruit in the grocery, mall or market. Do you know the benefit of dragon fruit ? even though it is called "dragon" it is not come from China actually dragon fruit or pitaya originally is come from Mexico and South America. This plant is brought by french from Guyana to Vietnam.

It has two variant, the white dragon fruit and red dragon fruit. Even though it has different colour, the benefits is still same. Both of them have a lot fiber, protein, vitamin B and C. But in the market the red one is usually has higher price then white.

white dragon fruit
White Dragon fruit
red dragon fruit
Red Dragon Fruit

Dragon Fruit Benefits

1. Bones And Teeth

Great source of calcium & phosphorus which work together to improve bone mass and prevent osteoporosis.

2. Nervous System

High in Vitamin B which aid in the formation of nerve cells and healthy fats for proper conductive signalling.

3. Eye Support

Contains Vitamin A in the form of carotene needed for proper color vision and prevention of night blindness.

4. Glowing Skin

Antioxidants and essential fatty acids for blemish-free, softer, tighter, younger looking skin.

5. Anti-Inflammatory

Provide alkalinity due to high vitamin & mineral content, helping to reduce inflammation and irritation in joints, and nourish healing wounds, cuts, bruises and scrapes.

6. Digestion And Metabolism

Incredibly high in fibre fro optimal disgestive health.

7. Cardiovascular

Prevent Cardiovascular disease, lower cholesterol & reduce high blood pressure.

8. Anti Aging

Antioxidants works against free radical and make your skin tighter & younger looking.

9. Immunity

High vitamin and mineral content to improve immunity and prevent disease & illness.

10. Cancer Prevention

Loaded with phytoalbumins, an antioxidants that prevents cancer-causing free radicals and blocks tumour cell growth. Also rids the body of toxic heavy metals.

How To Consume Dragon Fruit?

You can just peel the fruit and the meat of dragon fruit, it taste sweet and a lot of juice, or you can make juice from it. There are a lot of recipe of dragon fruit that you can try at home.

dragon fruit juice
Dragon Fruit Juice

Thursday 16 July 2015


Gudeg Ceker Bu Kasno

Today I’ll review about a famous street food in SOLO, it’s called “GUDEG CEKER BU KASNO”. Its address in Jl. Monginsidi No. 43. Actually there are 3 branches with different time work but the one that famous is in monginsidi. It is open from 01.00 AM till 07.00 AM.

Maybe you don't know yet what is gudeg. Gudeg is a traditional Javanese cuisine from Yogyakarta and Central Java, Indonesia. Gudeg is made from young unripe jack fruit (Javanese: gori, Indonesian: nangka muda) boiled for several hours with palm sugar, and coconut milk. Additional spices include garlic, shallot, candlenut, coriander seed, galangal, bay leaves, and teak leaves, the latter giving a reddish brown color to the dish. (source : wikipedia)

queue of gudeg ceker
bu kasno
I came there at 02.00 AM, and it was really crowded in there. You have to queue to get your food, but don’t worry they had quick service. The foods were already cooked and placed in crock. Every crock had different dish, like tofu, tempeh, chicken and etc.

gudeg bu kasno

gudeg rice and gudeg ceker

I request two gudeg rice with chicken wings and eggs then their special menu “gudeg ceker”. If you like  sweet then you’ll like this. It had sweet taste in all their dishes even their “sambal”. Then time to eat their special menu “gudeg ceker”, it was really tender and juicy. It was really awesome, I loved it every time bite it, it had chewy texture. 

Gudeg Ceker
Gudeg Ceker - IDR 25.000
For two portion of gudeg rice and a plate of “gudeg ceker” you have to spend IDR 75.000 for them. It was quite expensive for Solo standard price. But you’re not loss because it was really delicious, try it.

Monday 13 July 2015


Monday (14/7/15), Still in Ramadhan Month, where all the muslims in the world are fasting including me, hehe... so I want something good and less money for my fasting break food. And I searched on GOOGLE is there any place that fit as my request :). And found one that insterest me, OH LA VITA (OLV) that addresed in JL. TIRTOSARI 11, SOLO, behind OBONK STEAK. There was interesting review on the their twitter (@OhLaViTa_Resto). So I decided that I'll go there.
oh la vita banner
oh la vita terrace

After I arrived my first impression was "It was small resto" but may be it was suit with their slogan, The Cheapest Italian Resto In Town, Right Now! but I hope the service isn't cheap like their menus, tehe.. As you should now, in their crowded time like "fasting break time" you must reserve first, if not you'll get disappoint because there is no empty seat anymore. You can reserve on their twitter @OhLaViTa_Resto or by send sms to 08156737397.

oh la vita decoration
oh la vita visitor

The decoration is quite good in the outside, I loved their terrace. But too bad, it was too stuffy in the inside. The room is too small with a lot of people. Enough for the commend and now its time order the menu!! ( I Was Hungry You Now!!! haha). When I ordered the menu too bad, the waitress was less friendly, even thought it wasn't crowded yet (look the picture above). But there is something good to their service, the manager. Yeah the manager managed cashier and all the waiter, and how he managed it was good. Its quick and efficient.

oh la vita manager

I ordered so many food ( like I said I was Hungry!!) like Lasagna Verde, Creamy Chicken and Mushroom Soup, Spicy BBQ Giant Steak, Chicken Salad with Thousand Island, Meat Lover Pizza (half size), Ice Lemon Tea and Milkshake Vanilla. Like I said I ordered many food because I was hungry........ hmmm...actually it was for two people ( I come with my wife, hehehe).

oh la vita serve

When fasting break time was arrive all the dishes have all serve, their time management was good. And now for the food. I tasted Mushroom Soup first, wow its really creamy and have nice taste. It has big cut of chicken and mushroom so you can feel it, its really cheap because you can have it just for IDR 9K. After the soup I tried my Spicy BBQ Giant Steak, but it made me disappointed. The meat isn't tender at all, I really need much effort to eat the steak. The one thing that good is the onion ring, it was really crunchy, I really loved it,, so by overall of the steak I won't recommend it.

Spicy BBQ Giant Steak
Spicy BBQ Giant Steak - IDR 36.000
Creamy Chicken and Mushroom Soup
Creamy Chicken and Mushroom Soup - IDR 9.000

Then the meat lover pizza, its yummy. It was a thin bread pizza so it was crispy, it was so good. You can feel the the meat and cheese that blended together in your mouth. Awesome... I loved it so much ( even thought the mozzarella is less and use more cheddar cheese). The lasagna has quite big portion they put cheddar (again) on the top of it, for the inside is less meat and don't has cheese inside ( I think they reduce the cost by reduce the ingredients of their food). So the taste of the lasagna isn't satisfy me, it just a layer of pasta and tomato puree.

Meat Lover Pizza (1/2)
Meat Lover Pizza (1/2) - IDR 21.000
Lasagna Verde
Lasagna Verde - IDR 24.000
And for my last dish is Chicken Salad with thousand Island. It was consist of lettuces, carrots, onion, and big cut of chicken that mix with thousand island sauce. It was quite good because the taste of the chicken is good but I hope they put more thousand island :). For the drink is quite standard a lemon tea and vanilla milkshake that you can order in anywhere.

Chicken Salad with Thousand Island
Chicken Salad with Thousand Island - IDR 10.000

Lemon Tea, Vanilla Milkshake
Lemon Tea - IDR 5.000, Vanilla Milkshake
You now what from all of my order I just have to pay about IDR 125.000, it was quite cheap for the italian food. I think their slogan is right, the cheapest italian restaurant in town. So If you don't have much money and want to taste italian food, I'll recommend you for come here. :)

Sunday 12 July 2015


Its my first post and my first time write an article, I loved food and really like traveling. So I wanna share my experience everything about food, the recipe, tips, hang outs place etc. Hope can be useful for readers who read my blog right now.

Right now I'm in Solo, Central Java. The reason why I'm here because I wanna meet my family and my wife that locate in Solo and Yogyakarta. With its charming, Solo city have its appeal. You can see the culture in Solo is really bold.

So its not right if I visit this beautiful city without taste its food. Then I got recommended by my friend that there is a restaurant who present arabian food. Hmmm... really interesting arabian food in Solo?. Its called "MAKAREZ RESTO" which is located in "JL. PALUGUNAN, PASAR KLIWON".

When I get into the restaurant, it has a good decoration and I got cozy feeling. You won't feel like come to restaurant, you'll feel like come to a house. Now for the food, there are I request "MANDHI RICE with LAMB", a "LEMON SQUASH, "SMALL ROASTED LAMB" (their special menu) and "CHEESE LAVA CAKE" as my desert.

Mandhi Rice with Lamb
Mandhi Rice with Lamb - IDR 37.000
Its need about 15 minutes to serve the menu, from what I see, mandhi rice is a rice that cook with "rempah" or spice. It has a good aroma and the texture of the rice is fluffier. The lamb was covered with aluminum foil to keep the temperature of the lamb. I think the was roasted from the what i see and it got serve with green chili sauce that mix with green tomato.

 For Indonesian people if expecting the spice taste from mandhi rice is good like you eat fried rice you will get disappointed. The taste is quite flavorless, there is sweet taste from raisins and a little taste of "kapulaga". The one that really interesting is the lamb, its really soft and tender, and the taste is wonderful. To eat mandhi rice, you can mix your rice with chili sauce and a little cut of lamb meat  so you can taste all the flavor in your mouth. That you can feel sweet and savory together in your mouth.  

Small Roasted Lamb
Small Roasted Lamb - IDR 57.000
After eat  mandhi rice with lamb I really hope the roasted lamb that I request before is really good. Then like exactly from what I expect, it was serve with pickles and chili soy sauce. The taste was wonderful (ancuurrr gilee rasanya bro!!!) and  even though its name "small" it can be for two persons I think. There is no fishy smell and no bellyful even you eat a lot of it. This dish that make me wanna come back here again.

Cheese Lava Cake
Cheese Lava Cake - IDR 18.000
After all the main menu, I decide to eat the desert that isn't as good as its name "Cheese Lava Cake". This lava cake is actually double toasted bread that was filled with "little" mozzarella cheese in the middle and a cream above of it. And you can tell the taste from the picture above... LOL.

Overall the taste is standard and quite expensive except for the ROASTED LAMB, maybe i'll back again for the Roasted lamb.